From levels 20-30, train on barbarians in Barbarian Village. You can easily safespot them in the Long Hall by hiding behind the tables, and the nearby fishing spots have easy access to cooked trout and salmon. Levels 30-60: Giant Frogs Giant Frogs are one of the best training monsters i...
Trout 15-25 78 7,842xp Salmon 25-30 62 13,363xp Tuna 30-32 31 16,456xp Upon cooking your last tuna, you’ll be Level 32 Cooking and ready to enter the Cooks’ Guild. Now, there are a few ways we can proceed from here (it wouldn’t be a proper Cooking Guide for F2P OSRS ...
1 Fishing bait, 2 Bread, Orange slices, any Dye other than orange, red, or yellow, 3 Bronze wires, Needle, Fishbowl, Pestle and mortar, Raw cod, Egg, Cake tin, Kitten/Cat/Wily/Lazy Cat, lots of Stews (you can buy at the Seers village pub for 20gp each), Axe, Pickaxe, Any ogre...