Quest Cape Main Account | All Quests & Miniquests Completed + All Untadeables |A19| Lvl 2 obzz17 Total orders: 1,913 Member since: 2013 4.9 (1,298) Instant Delivery $ 429.00 BUY NOW 30 Maxed Void Pure | Pk Ready! | No Email Set | 94 Magic 99 Ranged 22 Prayer - 83 combat |...
as well as an array of item drops for each monster that has 6 additional properties per item drop. The base properties include the monster ID, name, member status, slayer properties, attack type, max hit, attack types and all monster combat stats. Each monster also has an ...
Dragon Slayer I Defence Level 33, Strength Level 33 This may require you to have strong battle stats. OSRS P2P Quest Order Quest/Activity Skill Growth Note Location Tutorial Island (miniquest) 10 Hitpoints Lumbridge Cook's Assistant 4 Cooking Lumbridge Sheep Shearer 2 Crafting Lumbridge Misthalin...
For the cape slot, three capes will help you when bossing: the Fire Cape from the Fight caves minigame for melee, the Imbued God Cape from the mage arena 2 for magic, and the Ava’s Accumulator or Assembler after the Animal Magnetism quest. Elite Void equipment The Elite Void equipment ...
If you want something better but harder to get, go for the Voidwaker instead. It has better stats and can be passed on for your best-in-slot choice for special attack. The two best weapons for Ironmen are the Ghrazi rapier and the Osmumten’s fang. Unfortunately, these weapons are ...
First Kills for Different Bosses First to complete Achievements or Combat Diary First to hit level 99 or max rank in any skill First to earn a Quest Cape or Music Cape First to complete specific Collection Logs First to gain a particular pet ...
We think a fair comparison is a slightly more mechanical version of Vorkath, but with lower stats. You might have to focus a little more, but you’ll be able to shred through the boss much easier than you can against the beasty blue boi. For the quest variant of the Phantom Boss, we...
Hello guys i am selling this oldschool and runescape 3 account 2in1 it has great stats on both sides as you can see on pics it has 138 combat on the runescape 3 side many 99s 1x 120 skill,109 dungeonering 116 slayer and more it has 2583 total with 386 questpoints many titles unlo...
quest_item boolean If the item is associated with a quest. True False release_date string Date the item was released (in ISO8601 format). True True duplicate boolean If the item is a duplicate. True False examine string The examine text for the item. True True icon string The item icon...
as well as an array of item drops for each monster that has 6 additional properties per item drop. The base properties include the monster ID, name, member status, slayer properties, attack type, max hit, attack types and all monster combat stats. Each monster also has an associated array...