Runecrafting (52,000 xp/hr to 82,500 xp/hr) Zeah Library Method. This rate includes the bonus Hunter EHP gained. Construction (210,000 xp/hr from level 99) 1.5t teaks on Fossil Island, creating planks, and making cape racks. Agility (62,000 to 70,000) This rate still assumes Ardo...
Leveling the Runecrafting Skill high enough will enable you to Craft two High-Level runes with one Essence, which will double your profits. Crafting High-Level runes is not that simple, however, and will require some preparation (mainly, you will need Access to the Abyss, quite High Mining ...
If you’re lucky enough, you can try to get the Rune scimitar ornament kit by doing beginner clues. You can skip that entirely and go directly to doing Monkey Madness I to get the dragon scimitar instead. This will help you through a huge chunk of the mid-game but keep in mind that...
Guardians of the Rift is a new Runecraft minigame released by Jagex as part of the March 23rd OSRS update. Runecraft is the skill you need to use various types
Click here to expand... Quest Requirements: Enter the Abyss miniquest. Skill Requirements: Level 10 Runecrafting. Other Requirements: Members-only. The Temple of the Eye quest will naturally guide you into Guardians of the Rift. We wanted the minigame to feel grounded in the wider world. It...
For theskill_name, theschema-items.jsonfile has a list of the allowed values - to help get the correct skill name. For example,runecraftand notrunecrafting! With some community help (by crowd sourcing) we could keep this data point fresh. If you find an error or want to add in a re...
"item_id": { "skill_name": integer }, For example, the Abyssal whip item: "4151": { "attack": 70 }, For the skill_name, the schema-items.json file has a list of the allowed values - to help get the correct skill name. For example, runecraft and not runecrafting!
Skill/Other Requirements: 20 Firemaking 30 Farming 36 Crafting 20 Quest Points Quests Unlocked/Partially Unlocked by completing this Quest: Monkey Madness II. Items Needed to Complete Quest: 3 Papyrus, Ball of wool, Sack of potatoes, Unlit candle, 10 Silk, Red dye, Yellow dye, Bowl, 8 Empt... So how can you get and use these JSON files about OSRS items? It is pretty easy but depends on what you are trying to accomplish and what progra...