Dragon Hunter Lance As the name suggests, this is the lance weapon that you can use to hunt dragons in this game. It is a big lance, and it can deliver heavy stab damage to your enemies. You need Hydra’s Claw and Zamorakian Hasta to create this spear. Also, you need to have Atta...
135.4M Bonus Attack/Strength (combined) XP from Slayer (0.724:1 Slayer ratio) 84.5M Bonus Defence XP from Slayer (0.452:1 Slayer ratio) Prayer (110,000 xp/hr to 140,000 xp/hr) Killing Green Dragons and using the bones on the Chaos Temple altar in the Wilderness. Runecrafting (52,000...
(Using a Slayer Ring is the fastest way to the cave. Bring a mirror shield!) Search a bookcase in the Lumbridge swamp. Go to Father Urhney's house located in the swamp. Search a wardrobe in Draynor In Aggie's house, the wardrobe on the north east side. Search for a box in one ...