You must use the items that get the icy key; you can use the key to unlock the southwest gate of the centre room. From there, you’ll see a crevice beyond the gate. I recommend re-supplying and re-gearing for magic and ranged before entering because you’re about to go into another...
1M Herblore Xp - Super Restores + 50M OSRS [ArgenGaming - All OSRS & RS3 Items - Quickest Delivery] Others Lvl 4 ArgenGoldRs Total orders: 1,342 Member since: 2022 4.9 (174) 1 Hour + - $26.300 / 1 $26.30 1M Smithing Xp - Mithril Bar + 50M OSRS [ArgenGaming - All OSRS & RS...
46 Magic 13 Runecrafting would be an advantage 45 Woodcutting would be an advantage. Quests Unlocked/Partially Unlocked by completing this Quest: Monkey Madness II. Items Needed at Quest Start: Oak logs, Maple logs, Bucket of sap (use a Knife on an Evergreen tree with a bucket in your ...
Another type of pure is the 10 HP pure, a handy build for PvP, which is hard to train as most combat activities will award you hp XP on top of the strength, attack, magic, or ranged XP. There are a few ways to train combat without training hp, such as using a dwarf multicannon...
Complete most of these quests depending on your levels if you wanna skip the early levels while making your way to the max quest points. It is not recommended or required just choose what suits you. QuestXPRequired Woodcutting LevelOther requirements Enlightened Journey 1,500 – 20 Quest Points...
Quests Required: None. Items Needed: None. Skill Levels Recommended: High combat level. Items Recommended: For meleers some decent armor and a weapon, for mages some runes, and for rangers a bow and some arrows. Food is not needed since when you are killed you respawn at the landing boat...
Items Recommended for Quest: Prayer potions, Antipoison, Super Restore potions, Ring of Charos (a), Weapon and Armor. Items Acquired During Quest: None. Quest Points: 10 Reward: 10 Quest Points 10,000 Agility exp (King Awowogei) 28,000 Cooking exp (All Subquests give some xp) 3,500 ...