The Dragon Warhammer is a highly sought-after weapon, and it has a decently rare drop rate of 1/5k that requires players to get pretty lucky. Ironman players, in particular, will spend weeks grinding for this weapon because it can be one of the best for raids and player vs. monster bat...
Making gold with the help of your OSRS Skills can be a great alternative to other, more time-consuming and engaging methods, as many Skilling Moneymakers can be performed while Semi-AFKing which is incredibly convenient. Methods featured in this Guide are just a small portion of all known wa...
As always, we refer to the in-game timings as cycles. Each cycle is equal to 0.6 seconds and is also commonly referred to as a 'tick' by the wider community. Masori Armour The Masori were powerful ranged weapon-wielders active during an ancient Kharidian war. They focused primarily on ...
Ensure you’re equipped with a slashing weapon or a knife since you need to cut a spiderweb in the sewers. You will come across Moss Giants just past the spiderweb. The rest of the path is straightforward. Just head north from the Moss Giants spawn spot and you will reach Bryophyta’s ...
Demonic Gorillas have the ability to cast prayers just like you, they will pray Protect From Missiles if you are using Ranged, and Protect From Melee if you are using Melee. They will switch between prayers once you deal more than 50 damage to them with the attack style, for example: If...
For meleers some decent armor and a weapon, for mages some runes, and for rangers a bow and some arrows. Food is not needed since when you are killed you respawn at the landing boat. An axe and a hammer are also recommended to repair gates and barricades. Cannons can't be taken to...
Using a good Magic gear and weapon will be very helpful if you are going to train your Magic via combat only, which won’t really be the main case in this guide. In our guide, Magic Accuracy won’t matter that much when it comes to the combat methods but only the ...