Reach level 5 in the Mining skill. Iron pickaxe Tin ore (20) Copper ore (20) Swap Your OSRS/RS3 Gold at Us Swap Gold Warrior Path Name Task Free-to-play reward Members reward Getting started with Attack Reach level 5 in the Attack skill. Steel longsword Coins (500) Getting a grip...
The two best weapons for Ironmen are the Ghrazi rapier and the Osmumten’s fang. Unfortunately, these weapons are very hard to get even on a regular account, let alone on an Ironman account where trading and resources are fairly limited. For your off-hand or shield, we highly recommend...
1) Read our in-depth guides forMoney Making in RuneScape and OSRSandOSRS Gold Mining. 2) If you want to know more about OSRS Grand Exchange andGE Tracker, then you must read our in-depth guide. 3) Get someJewelryin RuneScape 4) If you want to sell or buy osrs gold to make money...