slayer_monster boolean If the monster is a potential slayer task. True False slayer_level integer The slayer level required to kill the monster. True True slayer_xp float The slayer XP rewarded for a monster kill. True True slayer_masters list The slayer masters who can assign the monster. ...
This goes to Mor Ul Rek, so head on through. By facing off against TzTok-Jad, you can also unlock it as a slayer task, for 100 slayer points. You can get this at Chaeldar, Duradel, or Nieve. There are several monsters within the Fight Caves, each of which will increase in ...
immune_venombooleanIf the monster is immune to venom, or notTrueFalse attributeslistAn array of monster attributes.TrueFalse categorylistAn array of monster category.TrueFalse slayer_monsterbooleanIf the monster is a potential slayer task.TrueFalse ...
How to figure out the coordinates: Imagine a large plus sign across the Runescape map. The center of it marks the location 00� 00min North, 00� 00min East. This spot is located at the Observatory, near the Castle Wars arena. If you move North in a straight line,...
The link provided above has an API landing page with detailed information on the project including a project summary, API endpoints, and links to useful documentation. Also, have a look at theofficialosrsbox-apiproject READMEfor more information. The README has a tutorial on how to build the...