However, if you have the right plan in check, you should have a solid way to the top through gear progression. OSRS Ironman Gear Progression The builds you’ll see below are specifically curated to make progression through an Ironman account as seamless as possible. The items will be listed...
Rasa’s blessing 4 is the BiS for the ammo slot when using melee and magic when you’re not using ranged gear that requires ammo or when you’re using ranged gear that works with charges such as the crystal bow or toxic blowpipe. It will give you a plus two prayer bonus, but you...
a new piece of content dropped that made us re-think a few of our decisions: Nex. The rewards for defeating the fearsome Angel of Death were really impressive, and this inspired us to reassess Tombs of Amascut’s loot. Your input was also crucial in helping us see how we could push ...
Armadyl, Dragon hunter, dragon, and rune crossbows. The Toxic blowpipe is also a solid choice, particularly on Slayer tasks. If you have the resources, the Bow of faerdhinen or Twisted bow are top-tier options due to their high accuracy...