Herblore Herblore is a Skill that allows you to create various Potions from Herbs, which is available to members only. You will need to complete the Druidic Ritual quest to use the Herblore Skill. There are many ways of profiting on the Herblore, and every single one of them requires r...
A newt's eye may be bought from the Taverley herblore store or the Port Sarim magic store. Rotten tomatoes can be made in compost bins, or bought at the duel arena or pillory sites. To make a 'Dirty Blast' you must make your own fruit blast (NOT buy one, unless a player made ...
Let's find out... Please note that these tables show the system currently functions. There have been some significant changes since the release of the boss - missed them? You’ll find all the details in the Patch Notes sections on recent newsposts! Loot Tiers Upon defeating Zamorak, you'...