Bot Everything If you can do it in Old School RuneScape (OSRS), then RuneMate likely has a bot for it. Our extensiveBot Storecovers the vast majority of OSRS skills, bosses, minigames, and other activities. The leading experts in OSRS bot development collaborate on our extensive open sourc...
Everyday, real EpicBot users automatically send progress reports when they hit level 99 with one of our flawless scripts. The completely rewritten EpicBot is the best all-in-one bot. Updated scripts, advanced features, and top developers all combine for the best bot out - try free!
Old School Bot Old School Bot is a Discord Bot based on Old School RuneScape For more information on the bot: Old School Bot is not affiliated with or endorsed by Jagex. Play Old School RS for free at OldschoolJS Ol...
Is selling RuneScape gold illegal? Are RuneScape gold selling sites illegal? It all goes back to the seller. RuneScape gold earned through suspicious means can get you landed in hot water—even if you only purchased them. For instance, RuneScape gold sellers with bot-farmed gold or gold earned...