Old School Bot is a Discord Bot based on Old School RuneScape For more information on the bot: https://www.oldschool.gg/oldschoolbot Old School Bot is not affiliated with or endorsed by Jagex. Play Old School RS for free at https://oldschool.runescape.com OldschoolJS Old School Bot us...
Is auto clicker free? 02-20-2012Rs player what are the chances of getting caught/banned for using an auto clicker now that the bot nuke has been released? anyone?? please & thanks. 03-04-2012Mark Crasto How fast should I set my auto clicker for high alchemy!!! 03-08-2012kaiser...
out/production/SomeScript src README.md RunescapeBots.iml WillowCutter.PNG README To run any of these bots, please make sure you have the latest version of theDreambotclient running. If you're new to RS Botting or have any suggestions, feel free to tweet me@pashmerepat. Some of you as...