you can set up a Nightmare Zone scenario where you can AFK train for 20 minutes at a time. Using an imbued magic shortbow and amethyst or rune arrows is the usual way to go. You'll also need some super ranging and absorption potions...
F2P Gear P2P Gear Coif Guthix coif Castlewars cloak Ava’s Accumulator Amulet of Power Amulet of Glory Adamant Arrows Amethyst Arrows Maple Shortbow Magic Shortbow (Imbued) Green d’hide Top and Legs Black d’hide Top and Legs Green d’hide Vambraces Barrows Gloves Fighting Boots Snake Skin...
For new players, pick your core combat stats (attack, strength, defense, range, or magic) and some money-making skills and spend your time focusing on those. There's no need to go "all-in" on skills right away. I recommend spending your early gameplay questing and leveling your skills ...
Why This Progression Guide Is ImportantImportant Unlocks OSRS New Player ProgressionStarting OutAdventure Paths OSRS Equipment Progression GuideMelee GearRanged GearMagic Gear OSRS Quest ProgressionOSRS F2P Quest OrderOSRS P2P Quest Order Ready For OSRS?GO...