This can be one of the fastest ways to climb to 99 Cooking if done properly. But the other paths are out there if you need a change of pace. The High Ground for Cooking If you’ve followed along with our Cooking Guide for OSRS F2P, then congratulations! You’ve cooked far more ...
If you prioritize EXP rates over GP, moss giants are the best monsters to train on in F2P. Levels 70-99: Ogresses Ogresses might be the best monsters to kill in F2P. They consistently drop law, nature, and death runes and have a 1/40 chance of dropping rune med helms. You can e...
OSRS F2P Quest Order Quest/Activity Skill Levels Upon Quest Completion Note Tutorial Island Hitpoints Level 10 To free up room in your inventory, move every item you obtained during the mission to a bank. Cook's Assistant Cooking Level 4 For this quest, gather every ingredient from X Marks...