Aside from the fear of losing your Ironman status upon death, there are many restrictions that prevent you from progressing through gear as you normally would on a regular account. When it comes to the toughest challenges in OSRS. Here are restrictions that will make gear progression ...
One of the better options for food sources on an Ironman is Karambwans. They’re not too difficult to unlock, your fishing doesn’t need to be super high to get started, and it’s also a pretty laid-back method, perfect for doing while working on other tasks on the side or even on...
The Dwarf multicannon is a useful Ranged weapon for multicombat. You must complete the Dwarf Cannon quest to use one. Access to Fossil Island Fossil Island is home to ammonite crabs, one of the best monsters to train on in OSRS. To access Fossil Island, you must first complete the Bone ...
I hope you have a lot of music playlists or podcasts ready and waiting. This grind is going to be very, very long. Even at Hallowed Spelchre, the peak exp/hour rates are infinitely inferior to almost every other skill in OSRS except Runecrafting (May Guthix guide you on that...
In the past, bursting was only really an option for a couple of creatures. As not only does magic have to be effective, there also has to be enough spawns for bursting to be worth it, be multi combat, and for most people have item drops to mitigate the costs. Bursting can be quite...
If you are playing as an ironman, then you may find it handy for you to purchase both items with your OSRS GP. They aren’t too expensive if you have enough gold spare, not to the point where you will have to buy OSRS gold. With the necessary items, you can go and smelt them ...