items_api: The Python API for interacting with the items database. The API has modules to load all items in the database, iterate through items, and access the different item properties. items_api_examples: A collection of simple Python scripts that use theitems_apito provide an example of...
Anyone who has an ongoingGrand Exchangeshould remember to log in to Fresh Start World after the six months are over. This will allow the system to recognize and process the transaction into the main game. Gamers should note that only adventurers with pending G.E. will be allowed to enter t...
So how can you get and use these JSON files about OSRS items? It is pretty easy but depends on what you are trying to accomplish and what programming language you are using. Some examples are provided in the following subsections.
items: The item database builder that uses a collection of Python scripts to build the item database. The script is the primary entry point, and the module does the processing of each item. monsters: The monster database builder that uses a collection of Python sc...