On its own, this food item can heal 18 hitpoints and can be cooked using a level 30 cooking skill. However, this consumable can be burned up to cooking level 99 on both fires and ranges, so using the Cooking Cape is recommended. 5. Pineapple Pizza Pineapple pizza may be a divisive fo...
Cooking (275,000 xp/hr to 250,000 xp/hr) Buying, banking, and cooking Karambwans. This isn't necessarily efficient to do, but the rate is used to calculate Slayer EHP. Firemaking (433,000 xp/hr to 415,000 xp/hr) Wintertodt. This rate includes bonus EHP you would get from Woodcu...
Let’s talk about your first lap around the Cooking track, with our target being Level 32 Cooking so we can enter the Cooks’ Guild. For the number needed, note that you will burn some even using the Lumbridge range, so bring some extra raw items. FoodLevel RangeNumber RequiredTarget ...
Cooking Skill allows you to process raw ingredients into edible Food which restores Hitpoints when eaten. Depending on your Cooking Skill, you will sometimes Burn your Food, which is unambiguous with wasting some of the raw ingredients. Food can be Cooked on Fires and Ranges. Ranges are general...