Construction (210,000 xp/hr from level 99) 1.5t teaks on Fossil Island, creating planks, and making cape racks. Agility (62,000 to 70,000) This rate still assumes Ardougne Rooftop but now the Herblore XP from Marks of Grace is calculated into the rate. This is built into the Agility...
Similarly, with the Construction skill, it will cost hundreds of millions, and while you could gather the wood manually, you’d be operating at around 50k GP per hour during collection. With a 500k GP per hour money-maker, you can buy 10 hours’ worth of manual collection that was ...
Woodcutting is a very useful F2P that can be used in combination withFiremaking,Construction, andFletching. Training this skill consists of chopping down the various trees all over the map. It can be down in both F2P and P2P, but of course, P2P is faster and generally much better. ...