In OSRS, molten glass can be used to benefit your crafting and construction skills. This is something that’s also used in a few quests too, where you have to form glass items in the game. To make your own, you have to create it using your crafting skill. There’s a couple of item...
Construction Runecrafting Herblore Thieving Mining Crafting Agility Cooking Fishing Prayer Fletching Farming Woodcutting Firemaking Hunter Smithing Magic Ranged Slayer New: Sailing Melee About Us (me) Hi! I’mDean, founder of OSRSGuide;a place designed to help you progress in Gielinor whether you ar...
The fastest way to get there is to be on World #330 since it’s the house party world, use the House teleport (runes), then find a host with high Construction level and enter his/her house and use the Portal Nexus to teleport to Lunar Isle. Portal Nexus Teleport, Old School Runescape...
Guide to ConstructionFlaming ArrowConstruction Guide Guthix - Book Of BalanceRobin HiltonBook Of Balance Histories of the HallowlandRobin HiltonCrumbling Tome Holy Book of Saradominchris07, KiddyHoly Book Iban's RessurectionBlenders, KiddyJournal ...
The Crystal Saw gives you +3 in Construction when building something in your house that requires a saw to build. It doesn't work on gardens, only objects and areas that needs a saw to build it. After you build 28 things with it, the saw will revert back to a seed....
Woodcutting is a very useful F2P that can be used in combination with Firemaking, Construction, and Fletching. Training this skill consists of chopping down the various trees all over the map. It can be down in both F2P and P2P, but of course, P2P is faster and generally much better....