Giant Frogs are one of the best training monsters in F2P OSRS for any combat style. They have a lot of HP, low Defense, and drop big bones, the best bones available in F2P. Training Prayer in F2P is no easy task, so bury all the big bones you get your hands on. Levels 60-70...
Now, there are a few ways we can proceed from here (it wouldn’t be a proper Cooking Guide for F2P OSRS if there weren’t), and as always, the choice is yours. The Cook’s Guild Mitch Gentry / High Ground Gaming Unlocking the Cooks’ Guild makes mass training Cooking a breeze ...
Anonymous Is the combat ring in my house safe from ransoms? 06-21-2011Anonymous The auto clicker dose not stay still it moves 06-25-2011iamsogood I never had problems with the Auto Typer and Auto Clicker... But now the Auto Clicker doesn't work anymore :( please... Make the Auto ...