though, the auto typer's hotkey is activating something from windows which is related to 'inspect element'. but so far so good. haven't got any problem for 5 years (i got this 5 years ago and i kept it in a few "boxes" of mine for safe keeping (i.e., dropbox. ...
Maintaining good health is a fundamental part of being alive. Unfortunately, it’s also an expensive part of humanity. Of course, healthcare should always be a financial priority. But there are some procedures we’re unable to anticipate despite how well we take care of ourselves. These proced...
One of the rarest drops is the Jar of Darkness. This can be clicked on to make your screen go temporarily black, whilst the chatbox states that you view the darkness. You can use it in a player’s Achievement Gallery on a boss lair display to make one of Skotizo. It is worth menti...
This is located in the upper right corner of your screen when you reach the island. This squigly line inside a box shows the void knights health, the swords show the total amount of damage that you have dealt, and the minutes show how long is left in the game. This will show you the...