To create the symbol, you need level 16 crafting, a silver bar and a holy symbol mould. Saradomin also has a staff and cape you can receive upon completion of the Mage Arena mini game.Saradomin also has a form of rune armour dedicated to him, which has white trim. Saradomin's prayer ...
10,000 Agility exp (King Awowogei) 28,000 Cooking exp (All Subquests give some xp) 3,500 Crafting exp (1,000 Goblins, 1,000 Pirate Pete, 1,500 Skrach) 1,000 Farming exp (Goblins) 1,000 Fishing: (Pirate Pete) 4,000 Hit Points exp (Sir Amik Varze) ...
Optional:If you are going to use Rune crossbow , then maybe you better achieve level 55 Slayer to access to Broad bolts which are fairly cheaper than Adamant bolts with the same strength. Note:If you are going to use Blowpipe (which i highly recommend once you reach level 75 Ranged ...