Canifis' Rooftop Course is the best mid-level course for farming Marks of Grace. Keep in mind that the drop rate for Marks of Grace drops the more your Agility level exceeds the required level. Once you're 20 levels above the minimum, the drop rate plummets by 80%. You can not come...
you can set up a Nightmare Zone scenario where you can AFK train for 20 minutes at a time. Using an imbued magic shortbow and amethyst or rune arrows is the usual way to go. You'll also need some super ranging and absorption potions...
RuneScape has a reputation for being a very "grind-y" game, that is to say, you can spend a lot of your time doing repetitive tasks to achieve skill levels. For me, that only means this game has the best skilling progression out there. Truly achieving skill mastery in OSRS is crazy h...
whether a subscription is needed for them to be obtained, and depending on the item, viability, and popularity, or in certain cases, both. Buyers might look for weapons and armor which can be found in an OSRS shield shop, magic items such as those from a rune shop, and tools to help...
but you’ll be able to shred through the boss much easier than you can against the beasty blue boi. For the quest variant of the Phantom Boss, we’re aiming for it to be bested by players with a Combat level of around 85. As for the post-quest version, you’ll likely want to ha...
For general usage, we highly suggest getting the Abyssal Whip as it’s the best and most cost-efficient one for Ironman runs. It is rather risky to wield though as using it requires you to have a Slayer level of 85. If you want something better but harder to get, go for the Voidwak...
· Brimstone ring is the best ring. Alternatively, use a Berserker ring or a Ring of Suffering. · For your spec (special attack) weapon, use a Dragon Warhammer or a Bandos godsword. · Dragon darts, diamond bolts (enchanted), death, fire and chaos runes are all required. Alongside Zulr...
Runecrafting Skill allows you to create your own Runes that are needed for Magic Spells. Leveling up this skill takes a lot of time and effort because experience rewards from crafting are rather low and a lot of clicking/banking/running is involved. Despite this difficulty, Runecrafting is cer...
An extra tip for bursting, since you must be on Ancient Magicks to perform these spells, is if you happen to have an Explorer’s Ring 4, bring it with you. You can use this to high-alch drops from the Nechryaels and Abyssal Demons, reducing your banking trips and ensuring you get...
Anonymous Is the combat ring in my house safe from ransoms? 06-21-2011Anonymous The auto clicker dose not stay still it moves 06-25-2011iamsogood I never had problems with the Auto Typer and Auto Clicker... But now the Auto Clicker doesn't work anymore :( please... Make the Auto ...