To use this training method, you must have started Monkey Madness II, a Grandmaster quest. It's unlikely most players will still have only level 45 Ranged by the time they do this, but regardless, this is the fastest way of reaching level 99 Ranged. You will be throwing chinchompas at ...
OSRS Best in Slot The OriginalOSRS Best in SlotGear Calculator Best in Slot Calculator Attack -+ Strength -+ Defence -+ Hitpoints -+ Ranged -+ Magic -+ Prayer -+ Combat Styles Choose a combat style below. Attack Defence Other Weapon Style...
While the Cooking Cape can prevent this 100% of the time, there is another piece of gear that can also be used. With the Cooking Gauntlets, one of thebest gloves in OSRS, and the Hosidious Kitchen, anglerfish can be stopped from burning at cooking level 93. If you have also completed ...
This OSRS market page brings everything a buyer or seller wants to one page. Without the need to navigate through the site, traders are able to view all the categories that other players are trading within for OSRS. Some players are even bookmarking this page so that they have quick access...
Rasa’s blessing 4 is the BiS for the ammo slot when using melee and magic when you’re not using ranged gear that requires ammo or when you’re using ranged gear that works with charges such as the crystal bow or toxic blowpipe. It will give you a plus two prayer bonus, but you...
OSRS Ironman Gear Progression The builds you’ll see below are specifically curated to make progression through an Ironman account as seamless as possible. The items will be listed from best to least so if you were to check it out, start by securing the item at the bottom of each slot and...
Before fighting the boss, you must also consider the right gear and potions. Bring Super magic/ranged potions to survive as long as possible. Find an excellent long-range weapon and equip magic gear. WHERE TO FIND A KRAKEN IN OSRS Once you are ready for the fight, it is time to find...
As always, we refer to the in-game timings as cycles. Each cycle is equal to 0.6 seconds and is also commonly referred to as a 'tick' by the wider community. Masori Armour The Masori were powerful ranged weapon-wielders active during an ancient Kharidian war. They focused primarily on ...
The Zaryte Crossbow will require 80 Ranged to equip. Its special will allow any bolt effect to be 10% stronger. Just like the Torva Armour, the Zaryte Crossbow will require the current best-in-slot (Armadyl Crossbow) and 250 Nihil Shards (Nex drop) to create. ...
Magic Attack: Spinolyps have a magic attack that appears as Water Strike and is considered ranged-based magic. This attack rolls against your Ranged defense, making gear choices important. For instance, using a Guthan's platebody is more beneficial than a Karil's leathertop. ...