If you want something better but harder to get, go for the Voidwaker instead. It has better stats and can be passed on for your best-in-slot choice for special attack. The two best weapons for Ironmen are the Ghrazi rapier and the Osmumten’s fang. Unfortunately, these weapons are ...
As you've done all of the quest by the end of this guide, that also means you'll also have access to most of the best Skilling methods in the game. Going through the guide will also net you the coveted Quest Point cape in the game. While progression isn't going to get you to ...
Well, that’s what we’re here for! By making a comprehensive compendium of trusted RuneScape and OSRS gold sellers filled with in-depth reviews and detailed site analyses, you can weed out the fishy sites and identify which site is the best place to buy RuneScape gold. ...
all of them are at level 303. Without a proper strategy guide and preparation, the fight against the DKs is arguably one of the toughest fights in the game right now. Before anything else, let's first talk about how you can get to them first. ...