Old School Runescape Tools - Best in Slot Gear Calculator, Gear Compare, Gear Picker and more! Come and try out our popular OSRS Tools.
OSRS Best in Slot The OriginalOSRS Best in SlotGear Calculator Best in Slot Calculator Attack -+ Strength -+ Defence -+ Hitpoints -+ Ranged -+ Magic -+ Prayer -+ Combat Styles Choose a combat style below. Attack Defence Other Weapon Style...
It can be enticing to get melee armor with high defense stats but for Ironmen, offense is the best defense so it’s best to look for Strength bonuses as well. You can cover your lack of defenses with Protection Prayers after all. That said, one of the most versatile head pieces to ge...
As always, we refer to the in-game timings as cycles. Each cycle is equal to 0.6 seconds and is also commonly referred to as a 'tick' by the wider community. Masori Armour The Masori were powerful ranged weapon-wielders active during an ancient Kharidian war. They focused primarily on ...
fast attack rate, the Saradomin godsword for its special attack, accuracy, and Strength bonus, and Guthan's war spear when paired with the full Barrows set to heal. If you lack a Saradomin godsword, consider using a Crystal halberd or Dragon dagger as an alternative special attack weapon. ...
Many items in OSRS are equipable, this includes armor, weapons, and otherwearableitems. Any equipable item has additional properties stored as anItemEquipmentobject type - including attributes such asattack_slash,defence_crushandmelee_strengthvalues. TheItemEquipmentobject is nested within anItemPropertie...
stanceslistAn array of weapon stance information.TrueFalse Item: Python Object Example A description of the properties that each item in the database can have is useful, but sometimes it is simpler to provide an example. Below is a full example of an item as loaded in a Python object, spe...
True False prayer integer The prayer bonus of the item. True False slot string The equipment slot associated with the item (e.g., head). True False requirements dict An object of requirements {skill: level}. True TrueItem WeaponA select number of items in OSRS are equipable weapons. Any ...