Old School Runescape Tools - Best in Slot Gear Calculator, Gear Compare, Gear Picker and more! Come and try out our popular OSRS Tools.
Best in Slot Calculator Attack -+ Strength -+ Defence -+ Hitpoints -+ Ranged -+ Magic -+ Prayer -+ Combat Styles Choose a combat style below. Attack Defence Other Weapon Style Combat Stats View your combat stats below. Attack bonus ...
This project also includes an Internet-accessible, static JSON API for all items/monsters in the database. The JSON API was originally written for theosrsbox-tooltipsprojectbut has since been used for a variety of other projects. The JSON API is useful when you do not want to write a prog...
At number three, we have the eternal boots, which will require you to have a level 75 magic skill to equip. These boots boast the highest magic attack bonus and highest magic defense bonus in OSRS currently. While they have a +5 defense for all other stats, they provide a +8 to magic...
Cannons work best in multi-combat areas due to their ability to attack in a 360-degree motion. However, if in a single-way combat area, you may find your cannon can only attack one. If you manage to position yourself in a safespot and use range/magic attacks yourself, the cannon can...
The Virtus Robe Set, which was also introduced back in 2011 (albeit with different stats) will have similar stats to the current best-in-slot mage gear: Ancestral. Each individual Virtus piece gives a 3% damage when using ANCIENT SPELLS. The full set gives 9% magic damage on Ancient Spells...
Rasa’s blessing 4 is the BiS for the ammo slot when using melee and magic when you’re not using ranged gear that requires ammo or when you’re using ranged gear that works with charges such as the crystal bow or toxic blowpipe. It will give you a plus two prayer bonus, but you...
osrs account combat account 65 att 65 str 63def 82magic 52pray 64 hp 7 Days Warranty RS07 44.58 USD Buy Now See More Account OSRS FireCape OSRS FireCape powerleveling service, get cheap 07 runescape FireCape safe, fast here. OSRS Fire Cape for 60 Ranged | 40 Def | 43 Prayer | 50 ...
It has better stats and can be passed on for your best-in-slot choice for special attack. The two best weapons for Ironmen are the Ghrazi rapier and the Osmumten’s fang. Unfortunately, these weapons are very hard to get even on a regular account, let alone on an Ironman account ...
Once inside the dungeon, activate Protect from Magic prayer and follow your team to the ladder at the bottom of the cavern. Keep in mind that this can be done solo. However, the journey to the DKs, as well as the fight itself is exceptionally challenging. You might struggle heavily, even...