– Berserker Ring (Imbued) Inventory: F2P Inventory P2P Inventory Strength Potion Super Combat Potion Mossy Key Prayer Potion Varrock Teleport Stamina Potion Lobsters Anti-Poison Potion – Dragon Dagger – Mossy Key – House Teleport – Manta Rays Ranged Setup The recommended setup for your ranged...
Amulet of Torture Imbued Berserker Ring Possible weapons include:Ghrazi rapier(stab), Abyssal tentacle (slash), Abyssal bludgeon, or Zamorakian hasta Range Gear Progression Range is a skill that has easier linear progression as accuracy and max hits go up within just one skill. Most high-level ...
· Brimstone ring is the best ring. Alternatively, use a Berserker ring or a Ring of Suffering. · For your spec (special attack) weapon, use a Dragon Warhammer or a Bandos godsword. · Dragon darts, diamond bolts (enchanted), death, fire and chaos runes are all required. Alongside Zulr...
Berserker ring Witchwood icon Rune Scimitar (or a better weapon) Dragon Defender or Rune Kiteshield Dragon boots (requires Level 60 Defence ) The RangedGear example: Saradomin coif Black d’hide body Black d’hide chaps Combat bracelet (or Barrows gloves ...
a recent discovery means she may now hold the key to the knowledge they crave the most. However, nothing is simple when the Abyss is involved, and Persten won't be able to get to the bottom of her discovery without your help... Temple of the Eye QuestSpoiler warning: requirements for...