Range Gear Progression Range is a skill that has easier linear progression as accuracy and max hits go up within just one skill. Most high-level equipment will require a minimum defense level, which can be trained with long-range or with melee—which is more efficient. Otherwise, a pure can...
Aside from the fear of losing your Ironman status upon death, there are many restrictions that prevent you from progressing through gear as you normally would on a regular account. When it comes to the toughest challenges in OSRS. Here are restrictions that will make gear progression ...
Of course, Nex drops a new godsword as well. At least, it will drop it in pieces just like any other godsword. Stats-wise this godsword will be the same as the Armadyl or Bandos Godsword, the difference lies in the Special Attack which uses 50% energy. When used, the special attac...
Buy Cheap RS Gold at 4rsgold website,more Cheap OSRS Gold you purchase, more surprises you can get. RuneScape gold (Old School, RS3) for sale.
Dagannoth Prime, being weak to Ranged attacks, can be effectively dealt with using Ranged weaponry. Recommended Ranged weapons include the Zaryte, Armadyl, Dragon hunter, dragon, and rune crossbows. The Toxic blowpipe is also a solid choice, particularly on Slayer tasks. If you have the resource...