Level 48: Ape Atoll Agility Course Level 50: Falador Rooftop Course Levels 60: Seers’ Village Rooftop Course Level 75: Prifddinas Agility course Level 80: Rellekka Rooftop Course Level 90: Ardougne Rooftop Course If you’d rather engage in a minigame, you can train your Agility in the ...
You will be throwing chinchompas at maniacal monkeys in Kruk's Dungeon on Ape Atoll. To get the most out of this method, you will also need to use the strongest Ranged Prayers, like Rigour and divine ranged potions. If you are training optimally, which is roughly just under 2,000 chinc...
Cutting Teak Trees can be done in some places, but the best place to do it for XP is at Ape Atoll once you gain access to it during Monkey Madness Quest. The place where you can cut these trees on Ape Atoll is dangerous and you will be attacked by the monsters in the area unless...