With Combat Achievements, you need to perform tasks related to specific bosses or monsters or use specific game mechanics, like thralls, regardless of the monster you’re killing. For example, an easy boss-related task involves attacking Tempoross by loading the cannons on both sides, or a ...
and the EXP rates of most low-level Slayer tasks are not good at all, but optimal EXP rates here aren't the priority. You need a high Slayer level to fight some of the most lucrative monsters and bosses in OSRS, so
In this guide i will explain step-by-stepthe most efficient money making methods,where you will use your combat skills to kill monsters and bosses.You can’t use these techniques in F2P worlds, so you need to buy at least a14-days membershipto be able to do them.Don’t let that scar...
The Elite Void equipment can be good for many bosses requiring multiple attack styles because it will allow you to switch between ranged, melee, and magic easily. To obtain it, you will need both Pest Control points and to have completed the hard Western Provinces diary. Rada’s Blessing 4...
Boss Kills = 7 to 24 AP First Kill per Boss = 7 + 24 AP with additional points Easy Diary Task = 4 AP Medium Diary Task = 12 AP Hard Diary Task = 28 AP Elite Diary Task = 64 AP Diary Tier Completion = Total Points/2