(OSQPCscMatrix)); csc_set_data(P, n, n, P_nnz, P_x, P_i, P_p); csc_set_data(A, m, n, A_nnz, A_x, A_i, A_p); // 初始化OSQP求解器设置参数 OSQPSettings *settings = (OSQPSettings *)malloc(sizeof(OSQPSettings)); osqp_set_default_settings(settings); settings->eps...
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10) # set the project name project(OSQP) # add the executable add_executable(OSQP osqp_example.c) # Find OSQP library and headers find_package(osqp REQUIRED) # Link the OSQP shared library target_link_libraries(OSQP PRIVATE osqp::osqp) 最后运行的结果如下:发...
//osqp问题初始设置类 settings OSQPSettings* settings = reinterpret_cast<OSQPSettings*>(c_malloc(sizeof(OSQPSettings))); // Define Solver settings as default //定义求解器的设置用默认参数 osqp_set_default_settings(settings); //在默认参数的基础上修改这些参数 settings->alpha = 1.0; // 松弛因子...
Note: OSQP uses looser default tolerances than other similar solvers. We recommend looking at the description of the convergence tolerances in Section 3.4 of the OSQPpaperand adjusting tolerances via theOsqpSettingsstruct as appropriate. This is not an officially supported Google product. ...
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion2man/osqpSettings.Rd Load diff Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more abouthow customized files appear on GitHub. 3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion3man/solve_osqp.Rd 1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions1src/osqp/Makefile ...
(); // Define osqp solver settings // osqp配置 OSQPSettings* settings = reinterpret_cast<OSQPSettings*>(c_malloc(sizeof(OSQPSettings))); osqp_set_default_settings(settings); settings->max_iter = max_iter_; settings->time_limit = time_limit_; settings->verbose = verbose_; settings->...
符号定义的文章:https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/444096265// https://cloud.tencent.com/developer/article/2190924boolFemPosDeviationOsqpInterface::Solve(){// Sanity Checkif(ref_points_.empty()){AERROR<<"reference points empty, solver early terminates";returnfalse;}if(ref_points_.size()!=bounds_...
Note: OSQP uses looser default tolerances than other similar solvers. We recommend looking at the description of the convergence tolerances in Section 3.4 of the OSQP paper and adjusting tolerances via the OsqpSettings struct as appropriate. This is not an officially supported Google product. OsqpIns...