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促销网址:www.amazon.cn/dp/B0BKQH... Osprey Atmos AG LT 50 小鹰Atmos 气流 户外双肩背包,货号:10004679,最大的改变便是背负系统,从AirSpeed空速背负系统转变为AntiGravity反重力背负系统,背包重量通过网背均匀分散至人体,减轻肩部和髋部负担。整体使用铝制框架外,肩带和腰带部位运用HDPE板增强其承载性,同样也增减...
The Atmos 65might not be the lightest or cheapest backpack out there, but it is very comfortable and useful. The AG system of the pack distributes the load amazingly across your back, hips, and shoulders, making carrying heavy weight a piece of cake. Atomos also offers good ventilation for...