If the pre-configuration of VIPAs described in this topic is not done, it is still possible to define a VIPA to OMPROUTE such that it is properly processed and advertised when it becomes active on the corresponding TCP/IP stack. To do this configuration, add the appropriate OSPF_INTERFACE ...
In this case, configure the same area type for both ends. If the fault persists, go to Step 9. Collect the following information and contact technical support personnel: Results of the preceding procedure Configuration, log, and alarm information...
OSPF is a routing protocol. This tutorial explains how to configure the OSPF routing protocol on Cisco routers. It usesPacket Tracer network simulator softwareto explain OSPF configuration steps. You can use any simulator software to practice and learn OSPF configuration. The OSPF configuration steps ...
PBR Configuration Route Monitoring Group Configuration An OSPF Neighbor Relationship Cannot Be Established Fault Symptom An OSPF neighbor relationship cannot be established between two devices. Procedure Check whether the physical status and protocol status of interfaces on both ends of the link are Up an...
For more information about VPN, see MPLS Configuration Guide. Enabling OSPF on a network Step Command Remarks 1. Enter system view. system-view N/A 2. (Optional.) Configure a global router ID. router id router-id By default, no global router ID is configured. If no global router ...
Step 5 interface type interface-path-id Example: RP/0/RP0/CPU0:router(config-ospf-ar)# interface TenGigE 0/0/0/0 Enters interface configuration mode and associates one or more interfaces for the area configured in Step 4. Step 6 Repeat Step 5 for each interface that uses ...
Step 1 enable Example: Device> enable Enables privileged EXEC mode. Enter your password if prompted. Step 2 configure terminal Example: Device# configure terminal Enters global configuration mode. Step 3 router ospf process-id Example: Device(config)#...
passive-interface命令仅仅工作于路由器配置模式(Router Configuration Mode)。当你看到如下所示的命令行提示符时,那你就知道自己已经进入该模式了:Router(config-router) 你可以使用passive-interface命令告知动态路由协议不要通过该接口发送网络广播。这个命令可以对所有的IP路由协议生效,仅BGP除外。
I've just replicated your configuration and voila: R1-Hub(config-router)#do show ip ospf int tun1 Tunnel1 is up, line protocol is up Internet Address, Area 0 Process ID 100, Router ID, Network Type POINT_TO_POINT, Cost: 11111 The intense flapping after...
An OSPFv3 interface must have a compatible configuration with a remote interface before the two can be considered neighbors. The two OSPFv3 interfaces must match the following criteria: Hello interval Dead interval Area ID (see the “Areas” section) ...