Area BACKBONE(0) (Inactive) Number of interfaces in this area is 3 Area has message digest authentication SPF algorithm executed 1 times Area ranges are Number of LSA 1. Checksum Sum 0x5CB3 Number of opaque link LSA 0. Checksum Sum 0x0 Number of DCbitless LSA 0 Number of indication LSA...
(2)非骨干区域 (nonbackbone areas) 各非骨干区域间是不可以交换信息的,他们只有与骨干区域相连,通过骨干区域相互交换信息。 非骨干区域和骨干区域之间相连的路由叫边界路由(ABRs-Area Border Routers),只有ABRs记载了各区域的所有路由表。各非骨干区域内的非ABRs只记载了本区域内的路由表,若要与外部区域中的路由相...
OSPFv3 Process (1) Area InActive Number of interfaces in this area is 1 SPF algorithm executed 0 times Number of LSA 0. Checksum Sum 0x0000 Number of Unknown LSA 0 Area Bdr Router count: 0 Area ASBdr Router count: 0 Next SPF Trigger Time 500 millisecs Router ID con...
area-id指定所要显示区域的区域号。如果是十进制整数,取值范围是0~4294967295。如果是IPv4地址格式,取值是点分十进制。 视图 所有视图 缺省级别 1:监控级 使用指南 无 使用实例 # 显示OSPFv3的区域信息。 <HUAWEI>display ospfv3 area OSPFv3 Process (1)Area InActiveNumber of interfaces in...
AreaID:发送该报文的接口所属区域Checksum:0xfa9c[correct]校验和 Auth Type:Null(0)认证方式0代表空认证1代表明文认证2代表MD5认证 AuthData(none):0000000000000000携带的认证信息 没做认证0填充 Hello报文 Hello报文作用: 用于建立和维护邻居关系 建立:在使能OSPF后,会发送Hello报文,两端设备进行...
Number of external LSA8. Checksum Sum0x000230b6Number of opaque AS LSA0. Checksum Sum0x00000000Number of areas attached tothisrouter:1Area ID: Number of interfacesinthisarea: Total:4, Active:4Number of fully adjacent neighborsinthisarea:1Area has no authentication ...
1.1.1 abr-summary (OSPF area view)abr-summary命令用来配置ABR路由聚合。undo abr-summary命令用来取消ABR对指定网段的路由聚合。【命令】abr-summary ip-address { mask-length | mask } [ advertise | not-advertise ] [ cost cost-value ]undo abr-summary ip-address { mask-length | mask }...
area命令用来创建OSPF区域,并进入OSPF区域视图。undo area命令用来删除指定的OSPF区域。【命令】area area-idundo area area-id【缺省情况】不存在OSPF区域。【视图】OSPF视图【缺省用户角色】network-admincontext-admin【参数】area-id:区域的标识,可以是十进制整数(取值范围为0~4294967295,系统会将其转换成IP地址...
Area BACKBONE( Area has existed for 1d10h Interfaces in this area: 2 Active interfaces: 2 Passive interfaces: 0 Loopback interfaces: 1 No authentication available SPF calculation has run 47 times Last SPF ran for 0.000542s Area ranges are ...
Area BACKBONE( Area has existed for 1d10h Interfaces in this area: 2 Active interfaces: 2 Passive interfaces: 0 Loopback interfaces: 1 No authentication available SPF calculation has run 47 times Last SPF ran for 0.000542s Area ranges are Number of LSAs: 3, checksum sum 0x84d4 ...