Osogbo owes its initial prominence to the assembalage of cultural celebrities (Uli Bieur, Duro Ladipo, Yemi Elebuibon and others) who jointly raised the cultural awareness and exploited the artefacts of the town. Although most of these celebrities are either dead or have migrated, the annual ...
the house concluded and unanimously agreed upon these resolutions which thought will bring peace, harmony and co-existence among all concerned parties involved, for the sake of the religion and the love of our noble town Osogbo.
Osogbo, a Yoruba town in Southwestern Nigeria was traditionally given the name" Ilu aro" which means the home of indigo dyeing because of the abundance of the raw materials for indigo dyeing, and prevalence of Adire, the Yoruba resist and indigo dyed textile with its peculiar, standardized ...
The study further showed that the quality of housing in the city's core area is poor compared with other residential areas in the town.The need to consider users' household-size, among other relevant socio-cultural parameters in the design and development of qualitative housing in Nigeria is ...
The growth of urban centres especially in developing countries did not come without high pace of social and economic development which has brought about the phenomenal increase in city and town population with the attendant problem of managing the additional waste generated. The environment has three ...
The objectives of this study were to determine the prevalence of anti-hepatitis A virus (HAV) immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibody and associated factors among residents of Osogbo, a town in Nigeria with inadequate environmental sanitation and a shortage of potable water. This is a health facility...