本发明公开了一种水稻金属转运基因OsNRAMP2及其应用.本发明首次证明了水稻OsNRAMP2基因是水稻镉转运和积累的功能基因,所述水稻OsNRAMP2基因碱基序列如SEQ ID NO.1所示.本发明通过试验证明水稻OsNRAMP2基因敲除可以显著降低水稻地上部分镉转移率,显著降低谷粒中的镉含量.这对于研究水稻镉积累遗传机制,多途径组合降低...
At filling stage, OsNRAMP2 was highly expressed in all tissues except for husk, suggesting its role in Cd remobilization. Changes in OsNRAMP2 expression affected the concentrations of Fe, Mn, Zn, and Cu in grain and also affected rice growth. Phylogenetic analysis showed...
OsNRAMP2RiceTonoplastTransporterOsNRAMP2 plays an important role in remobilizing vacuolar Fe during seed germination and affects translocation of Cd from vegetative tissues to rice grains.Chang, Jia-DongState Key Laboratory of Crop Genetics and Germplasm Enhancement, College of Resources and Environmental...