该研究发现由OsYDA1/OYDA2-OsMKK4-OsMPK6组成的丝裂原活化蛋白激酶(MAPK) 级联在水稻绒毡层发育和雄配子体育性中起重要作用。该信号级联功能的丧失导致花药不开裂,绒毡层异常增生,花粉育性降低。 osyda1osyda2/+,osmkk4和osmpk6突变体中绒毡层细胞不规则增厚,osmkk4和osmpk6绒毡层细胞程序性细胞死亡 (p...
研究内容: 1. OsMPK6的基本结构与功能 2. OsMPK6的表达与调控 3. OsMPK6对水稻抗病反应的影响 4. OsMPK6对水稻生长发育的影响 研究意义: 本研究通过对OsMPK6在水稻抗病反应中的作用进行探究,可以为揭示植物抗病机制提供帮助。同时,也可以为水稻品种改良和育种提供重要的理论依据。©...
By contrast, the OsMPK6 -overexpression line (OE-1) was found to be susceptible to the bacterial pathogens, indicating that OsMPK6 negatively regulated Xoo resistance. Furthermore, the G702A single-base substitution caused a R89K mutation at both polypeptide substrate-binding site and active ...
Supplemental Table 1. Resistance of OsMPK6-knockout mutant (03Z11FX66) toXanthomonas oryzapv.oryzaestrain PXO61 (DOC 27.5 KB) About this article Cite this article Yuan, B., Shen, X., Li, X.et al.Mitogen-activated protein kinase OsMPK6 negatively regulates rice disease resistance to bacte...
Interestingly, activated OsMPK6 phosphorylates OsEDR1 at S861, which destabilizes OsEDR1 and thus releases the inhibition of OsMPKK10.2, leading to increased OsMPKK10.2 activity and enhanced resistance of rice plants to Xoc. Taken together, these results provide new insights into the functions of...
GRAIN SIZE AND NUMBER1 negatively regulates the OsMKKK10-OsMKK4-OsMPK6 cascade to coordinate the trade-off between grain number per panicle and grain ... Guo,Tao,Chen,... - 《Plant Cell》 被引量: 6发表: 2018年 GRAIN SIZE AND NUMBER1 Negatively Regulates the OsMKKK10-OsMKK4-OsMPK6 ...
SCRE6 interacts with and dephosphorylates the negative immune regulator OsMPK6 in rice, thus enhancing its stability and suppressing plant immunity. Ectopic expression of SCRE6 in transgenic rice promotes pathogen infection by suppressing the host immune responses. Our results reveal a previously ...
该研究揭示了OsMPK6-OsWRKY67-OsNOMT信号级联调节樱花素生物参与水稻稻曲病抗性的新机制。植物源化合物樱花素对水稻稻曲病菌具有高效抑菌作用,为水稻稻曲病防治控提供了新的绿色防控手段。 水稻稻曲病是由真菌病原体稻曲菌(Ustilaginoidea virens)引起的水稻穗部病害,严重影响水稻的产量和品质。稻曲病产生的稻曲...
总体上,全天个股涨多跌少, Wind数据显示,全市场 3005 只个股上涨, 2176 只个股下跌, 201 只个股收平。沪深两市今日成交额合计 9664 亿元,与上个交易日相较缩量 1818.98 亿元。 行业涨跌情况: 今日申万一级行业多数上涨,有色金属、美容护理、房地产、石油石化和钢铁等行业涨幅靠前,家用电器、银行、纺织服饰...