Inside Frank's body, Osmosis "Ozzy" Jones, an agent of the Frank PD, is an adventure-seeking white blood cell with a good sense of humor. He is a rebel cop, frequently disobeying authority to do what he thinks is right. He is often mocked by his fellow cops due to his rebellious ...
Thrax who arrives and is plotting to ultimately overheat his body, killing him from the inside out. Thrax is motivated by trying to become the nastiest new virus, attempting to kill each new victim faster than the previous ones. His grandiose plan for Frank is death in 48 hours, breaking ...
Mr. Thrax has left the building. Let's call for a scab and get to the precinct. Jones! In my office. Hey, hey, who died? Other than Thrax, that is. Brandy! -l mean, Leah. Why are you here? -You really did it now. -l didn't see you back there. -Disregarding orders, destr...
在线看Osmosis Jones - Thrax 3分钟 51秒。1 2月 2011的高清视频,VK免费视频库免注册! 4 — 已浏览。
Thrax is motivated by trying to become the nastiest new virus, attempting to kill each new victim faster than the previous ones. His grandiose plan for Frank is death in 48 hours, breaking previous medical records. Meanwhile the cold pill that Frank took, Drix, arrives in the body and ...