Diffusion is a form of passive transport since it does not require energy, and since osmosis is a specific type of this dispersion it does not require cellular energy as well. Yet it still needs kinetic energy. As small as these two mechanisms are they occur in our body on a daily basis...
Osmosis is the movement of View Solution Doubtnut is No.1 Study App and Learning App with Instant Video Solutions for NCERT Class 6, Class 7, Class 8, Class 9, Class 10, Class 11 and Class 12, IIT JEE prep, NEET preparation and CBSE, UP Board, Bihar Board, Rajasthan Board, MP Board...
The review is restricted to bulky porous media, whereas “thin” membranes are not discussed. Moreover, certain specific topics, such as large deformations and concentration polarization effects, are also not considered. As for the porous media, quite diverse types of materials have been studied ...
The peripheral nervous system can be divided into the somatic nervous system, which controls voluntary movement of our skeletal muscles; and the autonomic nervous system, which controls the involuntary movement of the smooth muscles and glands of our organs; this system is then further divided into ...
Huntington disease, or HD, is a rare neurodegenerative disease that involves a repeated sequence of DNA that causes an abnormal protein to form, leading to abnormal movements and cognitive problems. 常染色体显性遗传病 亨廷顿舞蹈症是一种常染色体显性遗传病,意味着可以代代相传。通常,患病家族每一代都...
"the tendency of fluids to pass through porous partitions and mix with each other; the diffusion of fluids through membranes," 1867, Latinized fromosmose(1854), a shortened form ofendosmose"inward passage of a fluid through a porous septum" (1829), fromendo-"inward," which is from Greek ...
Like osmosis, diffusion is a form of passive transport. Think of someone spraying a fragrance into the air on one side of a room. Before long, you can smell the fragrance molecules on the other side of the room, as the fragrance has diffused throughout the room. The difference between ...
Why do workers in a plant shop spray water on flowers in terms of osmosis? Explain the differences between cohesion and adhesion in water. What is the difference between souring and spoilage? Explain the specific predictions for the experiment using the terms hypertonic, hypotonic and isotonic...
Reverse osmosis is a desalination technique that uses a membrane with a pore size of 0.1–0.7 nm. This process entails applying an external force surpassing the intrinsicosmotic pressure, prompting the migration of water molecules from the initial solution towards a specific membrane surface. Consequen...
The child might be fixed on certain routines,like taking the same route every day to school or they might have restricted patterns of interest,like having a very specific and in-depth knowledge of the Titanic or vacuum cleaners. 这些孩子可能会固守一些惯例,比如说每天走同样的路线去学校,或者可能...