Shangri-La CircleRedeemLifestyle AwardsProductsKidsOSMO Little Genius Starter Kit0101 KidsOSMO Little Genius Starter Kit3,140 PointsAvailability: Available Delivery: Worldwide Quantity: Add To Cart Description Delivery: Shipping is available to the destinations listed here. Please ensure your destination ...
Explore a world of lifestyle products, including the Little Genius Starter Kit. Purchase with miles or a combination of miles plus cash. Shop now.
Explore a world of lifestyle products, including the Little Genius Starter Kit. Purchase with miles or a combination of miles plus cash. Shop now.
Osmo 是個寓教於樂的獨特遊戲系統,為你的 iPad 開創實體遊戲的無限可能。以出色的人工智能技術精心打造,Osmo 的先進技術跨越現實及數碼遊戲的領域。Osmo Genius Kit 全面擴展 Starter Kit 的功能,為現有的遊戲套裝帶來 Numbers 這一全新遊戲。 Product Description ...
Each sold separately or as part of Osmo Genius Starter Kit or Osmo Genius Words. * Other Osmo Genius Starter Kit games Masterpiece and Newton are not available on iPhone today, they will be released in the next month or two, so keep your eyes peeled! * Please see our device ...
The Little Genius Starter Kit, which was released this summer, is designed to be used with an iPad and four interactive apps that correspond to the hands-on play pieces. The kit includes a play mat, iPad stand, a reflector that works with the iPad camera, and two stac...
国际得奖STEAM玩具品牌深受全球超过250万用户的喜爱 国际获奖的STEAM游戏品牌Osmo的Genius Starter Kit(天才学习套装),适合6-10岁的孩子。这个套装不仅可以培养孩子的动手和整理能力,同时可以学习绘画、英语、数学、物理等多种技能。 Osmo游戏结合iPad及实体配…阅读全文 赞同添加评论 分享收藏... Osmo - Little Genius Starter Kit for iPad 小天才入门套装 去购买 提交于:2021-03-14 Osmo - Little Genius Starter Kit for iPad 小天才入门套装 $55.99 原价$79.99 查看来自Amazon的折扣爆料人:鸭血fans汤
Osmo’s groundbreaking system fosters social intelligence and creative thinking by opening up the iPad and iPhone to the endless possibilities of physical play.
印度K12独角兽Byju’s 旗下品牌Osmo进军学前教育 Rayeelink 6月25日消息,总部位于硅谷的教育初创公司Osmo正着手扩充产品线,进军潜力巨大的学前教育市场。今年年初,该公司刚刚被印度的教育独角兽公司Byju’s收购。Osmo于昨日发布了“Osmo小天才启蒙工具包(Osmo Little Genius Starter Kit)”,旨在帮助学龄前儿童认识...