address := range addrs { // 检查ip地址判断是否回环地址 if ipnet, ok := address.(*net...
Fix tile usage policy link Jan 8, 2020 using-tiles fix(using-tiles/index.md): add provider list link (#223) Mar 29, 2023 .dockerignore Update Ruby, Gems, Docker, add add GHA to build image Feb 13, 2023 .gitignore Document how to build the Jekyll page ...
Open Street Map Tile Server Builddocker build . Rundocker run -it --rm -p 80:80 -v /path/to/map/cache:/tileCache freshleafmedia/osm-apache Environment VariablesThere are a couple of environment variables used to configure where the tile renderer is...
docker postgres 导出导入数据 导出-s 选项用来只导出表结构,而不会导出表中的数据 -t 选项用来指定要导出的数据库表 格式:docker exec -ti 容器名 pg_dump -U 用户名 -s -t table_name db_name > sql文件保存位置docker exec -ti group-postgres pg_dump -U leaniot -s -t user_info gis > ./t...
Once you register we will provide more information about how to download the data and other tools that we will use at the webinar (e.g Docker container, sample styles and sample of high resolution OSM data). Hope to see you virtually on April 27th, meanwhile stay safe and keep strong!
openstreetmap-tile-server 给定.osm.pbf文件,此容器使您可以轻松设置OpenStreetMap PNG切片服务器。 它基于的,因此使用默认的OpenStreetMap样式。 设置服务器 首先创建一个Docker卷来保存将包含OpenStreetMap数据的PostgreSQL数据库: docker volume create openstreetmap-data 接下来,从geofabrik.de下载所需区域的.osm....
Docker Docker-compose 2 Osmosis (https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Osmosis/Installation) Osmium (https://osmcode.org/osmium-tool/) Inizializzazione tile server Eseguire osm-tile-server-setup.sh. Questo script clona questa repository e di default importa automaticamente Firenze.osm.pbf nel su...
docker-compose.yml taginfo.json README MIT license OSM2VectorTiles ⚠️OSM2VectorTiles is claimed to be breaching intellectual property rights of Mapbox Inc. by implementing schema of vector tiles designed by this company (details in #387). It is not recommended to use this project in prod...
# docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose-web.yml version: '2.1' services: qgisserver: image: kartoza/qgis-server:2.18 hostname: dockerosm_qgisserver container_name: dockerosm_qgisserver volumes: - ./logs:/var/log/apache2 - ./web:/project - ./settings:/web/settings links...