Osip MandelstamRussian Poetry in English
Westernacademics began to seriously study Mandelstam after a collection of his poetry was published in the U.S. At the time Kirill Taranovsky, a linguist and literary scholar of Russian origin and lecturer at HarvardUniversity,formulated the term "subtext." It means that the key to the incompr...
He got it right when he said, “Only in Russia is poetry respected—it gets people killed. Is there anywhere else where poetry is so common a motive for murder?” In fact, Osip Mandelstam was killed forhispoetry, mostly for having written some highly uncomplimentary things about Stalin, th...
Alistair Noon’s translations of Osip Mandelstam, Concert at a Railway Station: Selected Poems , appeared from Shearsman Books in 2018, with two further volumes in 2022 – the current volume and Occasional and Joke Poems . His own poetry has appeared in two collections, Earth Records (2012) ...
Osip Mandelstam. Voronezh Notebooks. Translated by Andrew DavisAdditional informationAuthor informationSibelan ForresterSibelan Forrester is Susan W. Lippincott Professor of Modern and Classical Languages and Russian at Swarthmore College. She has published translations of fiction, poetry, and scholarly prose...
This dissertation concentrates on problems of quotation, tradition, and translation in the poetry of Paul Celan and Osip Mandelstam. While examining the nature of poetic inheritance, Celan often refers to Russian poetry and, in particular, to Osip Mandelstam, who, in his turn, understands poetry ...
Complete Poetry of Osip Emilevich Mandelstam 【点击查看】搜索下载PDF文件 点击去看看 广告 本书分类索引数据信息 书籍分类:进口原版 / Literature & Fiction(文学与虚构类) ISBN:9781438471662 出版社:State University of Ne... 出版日期:2018-02-01 本书作者:Burton Raffel & Alla B... 下载格式: PDF ...
In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content: Four A Tale of Two Cities: Ancient Rome and St. Petersburg in Mandelstam's Poetry Zara Torlone St. Petersburg as Rome An Italian architect who helped to shape the imperial... ...
At each stage, Mandelstam's poetry and theory are read in dialogue with relevant philosophical problems and texts. These include: Vladimir Solovyev's "The Meaning of Art" and "Beauty in Nature," Nikolai Lossky's The World as an Organic Whole , Semyon Frank's The Unknowable , and Pavel ...
This article attempts to understand not so much the poetic and stylistic features of Osip. E. Mandelstam's poetics, which has been of great interest to philologists and thus sufficiently studied to...Nikolai A. Khrenov