原版书名:Selected Poems by Osip Mandelstam 丛书:大雅诗丛 内容简介: 《大雅诗丛·曼德尔施塔姆诗选》是俄罗斯伟大而命运坎坷的诗人之一曼德尔施塔姆的诗歌精选,全书包括《石头》《哀歌》《诗1921—1925》《莫斯科笔记本》《沃罗涅日笔记本》五个部分,收录诗歌近两百首,贯穿曼德尔施塔姆整个写作生涯,是诗人、翻译家黄灿然在...
Osip Mandelstam: Three Poems From Stone.(Poem)Edgar, StephenSoutherly
Osip Mandelstam(1891-1938) was from a Polish-Jewish family and grew up in St.Petersburg (later Leningrad), Russia. His first poems appeared in 1913, and, after The Revolution and Stalin’s increasing tendency toward totalitarianism, Mandelstam made no effort to hide his non-conformist views. S...
Osip Mandelstam spent three years in internal exile in the city of Voronezh, in south-western Russia, after someone in his circle of acquaintances had informed the Soviet authorities of his “Stalin Epigram” in 1934. The ninety-odd poems he wrote there are the pinnacle of his poetic achieveme...
书名: The Selected Poems of Osip Mandelstam 作者: Osip Mandelstam 页数: 192 出版社: NYRB Classics 出版年: 2004-8-31 第41页 头皮随寒冷而刺痛。没有人说话。时间削去我像你的鞋跟。 生活战胜了生命。那声音淡灭。什么东西总在失去。没有时间去记着它。 你知道,以前更好。可没有比较血曾怎样...
当当网图书频道在线销售正版《【预订】Stolen Air Selected Poems of Osip Mandelstam》,作者:Wiman,出版社:HarperCollins。最新《【预订】Stolen Air Selected Poems of Osip Mandelstam》简介、书评、试读、价格、图片等相关信息,尽在DangDang.com,网购《【预订】
当当中图上海进口图书旗舰店在线销售正版《预售 英文预定 The Selected Poems of Osip Mandelstam》。最新《预售 英文预定 The Selected Poems of Osip Mandelstam》简介、书评、试读、价格、图片等相关信息,尽在DangDang.com,网购《预售 英文预定 The Selected Poems of
although this was not always the case. During his lifetime he was in the shadow of other poets of the Silver Age - above all,Alexander Blok, according to literary historian and Mandelstam biographer Oleg Lekmanov. Then his poems were banned for manyyears,until the publication ofWe live with...
这本选集中的395首译诗绝大多数由Clarence Brown翻译,默温翻译了四首。我喜欢读默温的翻译,是基于他对英语的把握和他对诗的理解。而看这本书不要忘了看序言,看主要译者Clarence Brown对默温的批评,不是译曼德尔施塔姆为曼德尔施塔姆而是译为默温,正如纳博科夫译普希金是译成了纳博科夫,更著名的洛威尔译一切诗人为...
He got it right when he said, “Only in Russia is poetry respected—it gets people killed. Is there anywhere else where poetry is so common a motive for murder?” In fact, Osip Mandelstam was killed forhispoetry, mostly for having written some highly uncomplimentary things about Stalin, th...