was able in his own critical writing to add another dimension to Mandelstam's theory of poetic discourse---one, we argue, that depends upon an open consideration of translation.;This dissertation traces a kinship across time and death, one whose workings are based in the life and afterlife of...
Nowadays Mandelstam is considered one of the most important poets of the 20th century, although this was not always the case. During his lifetime he was in the shadow of other poets of the Silver Age - above all,Alexander Blok, according to literary historian and Mandelstam biographer Oleg Le...
1.OsipMandelstam奥西普·曼德尔施塔姆;曼德尔施塔姆;斯塔姆 2.MandelstamOsip曼德尔施塔姆 3.OsipMandelshtam作者 4.OsipEmilyevich Mandelstam曼德尔施塔姆 5.oSIPstackoSIP协议栈 6.oSIPprotocoloSIP协议栈 7.oSIPStateMachineoSIP状态机 用法例句 1. Now covered with dust, and untouched since the death ofOsipAlexyev...
Robert Littell's new novel about the life (and death) and times of Russian poet Osip Mandelstam happens to be one of those books. The Stalin Epigram More results ► Acronyms browser ? ▲ OSIDS OSIE OSIEA OSIF OSIFA OSIG OSigO OSIH OSIHPA OSIIS OSIJ OSIL OSILA OSILC OSILIGI OSIM...
Russian poet Print Also known as: Osip Emilyevich Mandelstam Written by Gregory Freidin Professor Emeritus, Department of Slavic Languages and Literature, Stanford University, Stanford, California. Author ofA Coat of Many Colors: Osip Mandelstam and His Mythologies of Self-Presentation... Gregory...