I can find platform.driver.osif in the components selection, but there's no osif_time_delay function in the generated osif.h. only below function
* 2) Time roll-over case will be handled: super! */ /* Check if the given timer has expired already */ if( sDiff <0 ) { return true; } return false } /***/ //void timerDelay( uint16t ) void timerDelay( uint32_t tOut ) { uint32_t t; /* Calculate...
Here is how you can use the McuOnEclipse FreeRTOS with the S32K SDK using the OSIF: You will need at least version 01.558 of the McuOnEclipse FreeRTOS component, available from SourceForge. The OSIF checks for the presence of a component named ‘FreeRTOS’. In the component settings, re...
Solved: Hi, I need to know regarding usage of OSIF_TimeDelay in S32k146 non RTOS codebase. I am not using any kind of OS interface in my application.
Solved: Hello, all the example codes use for loops for their delay functions and I do not know how reliable these would be.
Hi, take a look at this thread: https://community.nxp.com/t5/MPC5xxx/stuck-in-OSIF-TimeDelay/m-p/1348191#M19273 It's known issue in S32 Design
I stepped through OSIF_TimeDelay in this sample code. PIT_MCR freeze actually set set to 1 in function "osif_UpdateTickConfig": #if FEATURE_OSIF_PIT_FRZ_IN_DEBUG base->MCR |= PIT_MCR_FRZ(1u); /* stop the timer in debug */ #endif /* FEATURE_OSIF_PIT_FRZ_IN_DEBUG */ But, ...
If you are interested in measuring your program’s runtime more accurately, you can configure a timer with a known value, increment a counter on each interrupt, and use this to estimate the runtime. Alternatively, you can toggle a GPIO pin at the start and end of the section...
If you are interested in measuring your program’s runtime more accurately, you can configure a timer with a known value, increment a counter on each interrupt, and use this to estimate the runtime. Alternatively, you can toggle a GPIO pin at the start and end of the section you wish ...
If you are interested in measuring your program’s runtime more accurately, you can configure a timer with a known value, increment a counter on each interrupt, and use this to estimate the runtime. Alternatively, you can toggle a GPIO pin at the start and end of the section...