Osia 2 systemMinimally invasive surgerypediatric Osia 2 surgeryThe CochlearTM Osia2 is an active transcutaneous implant designed to treat patients with different types of hearing loss. Due to its size, implantation needs appropriate practice since the necessity of extended flap creation and bone work ...
A hearing implant reimagined. The Cochlear Osia System is like no other hearing implant system. Read more Disclaimer This material is intended for health professionals. If you are a consumer, please seek advice from your health professional about treatments for hearing loss. Outcomes may vary, and...
I am very disappointed to find that on pairing with my Osia 2 implant that was activated today, the volume control on the app has no effect whatsoever on the volume of sound that I hear. 开发人员回复, Hi Wxyzcvb, sorry you’re having trouble. So we can help, please visit www.cochlea...
It just falls short of my expectations considering the technology used for the implant and sound processor. 开发人员回复, Hi wnims6611, so we can help, please visit www.cochlear.com/customer-service for your local Cochlear Customer Service team contact details. The team will be happy to help...
People have always been Cochlear’s inspiration, ever since ProfessorGraeme Clarkset out to create the first multi-channel cochlear implant after seeing his father struggle with hearing loss. Since 1981, Cochlear has provided more than 750,000 devices in more than 180 co...
Cochlear has provided more than 750,000 devices in more than 180 countries, helping people of all ages around the world to hear. As the global leader in implantable hearing solutions, Cochlear connects people with life's opportunities, and welcomes them to the w...
Bone conduction hearing implantPurpose: Bone conduction hearing devices are a well-established treatment option for conductive or mixed hearing losses as well as single-sided deafness. The Osia (R) 2 System is an active osseointegrated device where a surgically implanted titanium fixture supports a ...
To present the surgical outcomes and one-year audiological and quality of life results of implantation of the Osia 2 active piezoelectric bone conduction implant.Twenty adults with mixed and conductive hearing loss were implanted with the Osia 2 system and followed up for at least one year. The...
Osia OSI200 implant is a new type of implantable bone conduction hearing aid with a new technology that offers both acoustic and aesthetic advantages. Case report: In this paper, we report the first case of a Cochlear OsiaOSI200 implanted in Spain in a 44-year-ol...
BONE conductionCOCHLEAR implantsEAR canalHEARING disordersSURGICAL site infectionsThe article discusses a novel minimally invasive technique called MOSIA (Minimally Invasive OSIA Bone Conduction Hearing Implant) for the placement of the Cochlear OSIA 2 System in children under the age of 12. The technique...