传输层(Transport Layer):传输表头(TH)加至资料以形成封包。传输表头包含了所使用的协定等传送资讯。例如:传输控制协定(TCP)、UDP、DCCP、SCTP、TLS/SSL等。 网络层(Network Layer):决定数据的路径选择和转寄,将网络表头(NH)加至数据包,以形成封包。网络表头包含了网络资料。例如:互联网协议(IP)、ICMP、IGMP、RAR...
These rules are defined in the model protocols, which apply to the individual layers or are used across layers. And although the system cannot manage without these protocols, they are by no means clearly defined. Furthermore, some layers are not as useful as others: For example, the layer ...
OSI 的协议实现(OSI protocols),不客气地说,就是一堆垃圾——据说把 OSI protocols 所有的协议文档,全部打印成 A4 纸,摞起来得有一米多高!是不是很吓人?协议搞得如此复杂,严重违背了 IT 设计领域的 KISS 原则。 由于OSI protocols 实在太复杂,后来基本没人用。但 OSI model 反而广为流传,并且成为“网络分层...
第一层:物理层 物理层(Physical Layer)在局域网上传送帧,它负责管理电脑和网络媒体之间的通信。(硬件)包括针脚、电压、线缆规范、集线器、中继器、网卡、主机适配器等。 第二层:数据链路层 数据链路层(Data Link Layer)负责网络寻址、错误侦测和改错。当表头和表尾被加至数据包时,会形成帧。数据链表头(DLH)是包...
第1层 物理层(Physical Layer)是计算机网络OSI模型中最低的一层。物理层规定:为传输数据所需要的物理链路建立、维持、拆除,而提供具有机械的,电子的,功能的和规范的特性。 TCP/IP协议栈 互联网协议族(英语:Internet Protocol Suite,缩写IPS)是一个网路通讯模型,以及一整个网络传输协议家族,为网际网路的基础通讯架构...
一.简介: 开放式系统互联通信参考模型(英语:Open System Interconnection Reference Model,缩写为OSI),简称为OSI模型(OSI model),一种概念模型,由国际标准化组织(ISO)提出,一个试图使各种计算机在世界范围内互连为网络的标准框架。早期的OSI模型有七层,随着网络发展,表示层(OSI Layer 6)和会话层(OSI Layer 5)被弃...
Each layer associates one or more protocols with the layer. The layers represent data transfer operations common to all types of data transfers among cooperating networks. The OSI Reference Model lists the protocol layers from the top (layer 7) to the bottom (layer 1). The following table ...
layer is designed with specific tasks, and collectively they work together to ensure reliable, efficient, and interoperable communication between devices and systems. In the following section, we will delve into each layer of the OSI Model, providing detailed insights into their functions, protoc...
While not a part of the official OSI model, the term "Layer 2.5" has been used to categorize some protocols that operate between layer 2 and layer 3. For example, Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) operates on packets (layer 2) while working with IP addresses (layer 3) and uses labels...
OSI模型第1层:物理层(OSI Model Layer 1: The Physical Layer) Physical Layeris the lowest layer of the OSI Model.物理层是OSI模型的最低层。 It activates, maintains and deactivates the physical connection. 它**,维护和停用物理连接。 It is responsible for transmission and reception of the unstructu...