Following are the functions performed by each layer of the OSI model. This is just an introduction, we will cover each layer in details in the coming tutorials. 以下是OSI模型的每一层执行的功能。 这只是一个介绍,我们将在接下来的教程中详细介绍每一层。 OSI模型第1层:物理层(OSI Model Layer 1...
Dive deep into the OSI Model to understand its seven layers, their functions, and how it defines the networking framework to implement protocols in seven layers.
OSI lAYER INDEX LAYER Protocol Data Unit(PDU) Functions Protocals 7 Application Data TFTP,HTTP,SNMP,FTP,SMTP,DNS,Telnet, DHCP 6 Presentaton Data encoding, decoding, encrypt, decrypt SSL, WPA, WEP, Ker... 查看原文 【网络】OSI七层模型 between computers. (6)Presentation Layer:Provides a ...
OSI model layer 3 also places the sender and receiver’s IP address in the header in the network channel. Internet protocols forIPv4andIPv6operate at this layer. Functions of the network layer Layer 3 has several key functions. The network layer functions include inter-networking, logical addres...
Presentation layer protocols To perform the necessary functions, the presentation layer utilizes certain protocols, including: AFP (Apple Filing Protocol).AFP, a communication protocol designed for Mac-based platforms, specifically offers services to MacOS. The protocol allows computer users to share files...
SMTP and POP IP and TCP are transferring protocols of e-mail SNMP The Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is an application layer protocol that facilitates the exchange of management information between network devices. The Domain Name System (DNS) is a service on a network that manages ...
3. Network Layer The network layer has two main functions. One is breaking up segments into network packets, and reassembling the packets on the receiving end. The other is routing packets by discovering the best path across a physical network. The network layer uses network addresses (typically...
Functions of Physical LayerFollowing are the various functions performed by the Physical layer of the OSI model.Representation of Bits: Data in this layer consists of stream of bits. The bits must be encoded into signals for transmission. It defines the type of encoding i.e. how 0's and 1...
TheSessionLayerThePresentationLayerTheApplicationLayer Layer6-ThePresentationLayer Thepresentationlayerisresponsibleforpresentingdatainaformthatthereceivingdevicecanunderstand.Thepresentationlayerhas3mainfunctions:DataformattingDatacompressionDataencryption DataFormatting Imaginetwodissimilar...
The seven layers of the OSI model, in order from the lowest to the topmost, are the physical layer, data link layer, network layer, transport layer, session layer, presentation layer, and application layer. Let us learn about these layers of the OSI model and their functions in detail. ...