它制定了不同系统之间的交互的标准协议。模型分为7层。 以下是wiki上的模型: OSI Model LayerProtocol data unit (PDU)Function[3] Host layers7. ApplicationDataHigh-level APIs, including resource sharing, remote file access 6. PresentationTranslation of data between a networking service and an application...
The network layer is the third layer in the OSI model. It provides a space for therouterfunctionality necessary for acomputer networking system. Routers operate at the third layer as it handles the routing of data. Layer 3, the network layer, is positioned between thetransport layerand the da...
The physical layer in networking, sometimes called the hardware layer, is the first layer in the OSI reference model. As the lowest layer, it’s closely associated with most of the network’s tangible connections – cabling, cabling types and standards, connectors, wireless transmissions,network i...
OSI Layer 3 Networking for nRF24L01(+) and nRF52x on Arduino and Raspberry Pi - nRF24/RF24Network
The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model defines a networking framework to implement protocols in layers, with control passed from one layer to the next. It is primarily used today ... 查看原文 网络七层协议 网络七层协议OSI/RM(OpenSystemInterconnectionReferenceModel)即开放系统互联基本参考模型TCP...
To support routing, the Network layer maintains logical addresses such asIP addressesfor devices on the network. The Network layer also manages the mapping between these logical addresses and physical addresses. In IPv4 networking, this mapping is accomplished through theAddress Resolution Protocol(ARP)...
协议层是由一个叫MAC(Media Access Layer,媒体访问层)控制器的单一模块实现。 物理层由两部分组成,即PHY(Physical Layer,物理层)和传输器。常见的网卡芯片都是把MAC和PHY集成在一个芯片中,但目前很多主板的南桥芯片已包含了以太网MAC控制功能,只是未提供物理层接口,因此,需外接PHY芯片以提供以太网的接入通道。这...
The most important OSI Reference Model concept is that of networking layers. It’s not an exaggeration to say that layers are really the heart of the OSI model—the entire point of the model is to separate networking into distinct functions that operate at different levels. Each layer is resp...
Type of interface-card used in the networking device Type of connector used to connect the cable with the network interface Encoding of digital signals received from the Data Link layer based on the attached media type such as electrical for copper, light for fiber, or a radio wave for wirele...
The OSI Model can be seen as a universal language for computer networking. It is based on the concept of splitting up a communication system into seven abstract layers, each one stacked upon the last. Each layer of the OSI Model handles a specific job and communicates with the layers above...